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Preventing Stress and Burnout in the Workplace

Tuesday, May 4, 10-11:30 a.m.


In Canada, 70 per cent of workers report that work impacts their mental health and 78 per cent report that poor mental health is the primary reason for missing work. Workplace stress is the main cause of mental health concerns. Learn about ways to control workplace stress and create a psychologically safe workplace.

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Presented by Workplace NL

Event Listing 2021-05-04 10:00:00 2021-05-04 11:30:00 America/St_Johns Preventing Stress and Burnout in the Workplace In Canada, 70 per cent of workers report that work impacts their mental health and 78 per cent report that poor mental health is the primary reason for missing work. Workplace stress is the main cause of mental health concerns. Learn about ways to control workplace stress and create a psychologically safe workplace. Click here to sign up. Online Workplace NL