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Student Life

Campus and Community

Atlantic Canada branch

IMarEST to share knowledge and standards in marine industry

Student Life

A passion for prevention

Medicine master's student determined to prevent, reduce lower back pain

Campus and Community

Ocean champions

UN's Sustainable Development Goals: a year of Life Below Water


Great minds

Memorial University experts tackling global issues thanks to more than $3.3-million federal investment

Campus and Community

Rights, responsibilities, respect

Memorial announces Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities and Respectful Learning Environment Policy

Student Life

Voyage of a lifetime

Summer sail includes Iqaluit, Torngat Mountains and Fogo Island for MI student

Campus and Community

Celebration season

Fall convocation approaches, honorary degree recipient announced

Student Life

Hello students!

A message from Memorial’s provost and vice-president (academic) pro tempore

Teaching and Learning

Future data scientists

New major aims to equip undergraduate students with tools to think critically about data

Student Life

Schulich superstars

Two Memorial University first-year students awarded $220,000 in STEM scholarships