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Design Leaders in Technology

Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1-2 p.m.


The Student Design Hub (SDH) is excited to present: Design Leaders in Tech!


In this guest lecture series, leaders for Newfoundland’s local tech industry give a talk about their business and how design fits into their products. For the final presentation of 2021, SDH is excited to host Randy Billard, CEO and Co-Founder of Virtual Marine! In this session Randy will discuss how the design process applies to the development of simulation technologies, and the constraints that his team must consider to help Virtual Marine’s products translate effectively to real world applications. Randy will also highlight the importance of research and development on the efficacy of new products


Registration: https://mun.webex.com/mun/onstage/g.php?MTID=e951bd2f6451b459b8a0c7961cd9c6deb


To learn more about Virtual Marine visit their website: https://www.virtualmarine.ca/


Want to see what else the Student Design Hub has coming up? Check out our calendar (updated monthly): https://www.mun.ca/sdh/events.php


Did you miss a previous talk? They’re all hosted on the Memorial University Faculty of Engineering Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0xNrYaFxax1MPqOO3yBTcGglxGR7MzQB

Presented by Student Design Hub

Event Listing 2021-11-03 13:00:00 2021-11-03 14:00:00 America/St_Johns Design Leaders in Technology The Student Design Hub (SDH) is excited to present: Design Leaders in Tech!   In this guest lecture series, leaders for Newfoundland’s local tech industry give a talk about their business and how design fits into their products. For the final presentation of 2021, SDH is excited to host Randy Billard, CEO and Co-Founder of Virtual Marine! In this session Randy will discuss how the design process applies to the development of simulation technologies, and the constraints that his team must consider to help Virtual Marine’s products translate effectively to real world applications. Randy will also highlight the importance of research and development on the efficacy of new products   Registration: https://mun.webex.com/mun/onstage/g.php?MTID=e951bd2f6451b459b8a0c7961cd9c6deb   To learn more about Virtual Marine visit their website: https://www.virtualmarine.ca/   Want to see what else the Student Design Hub has coming up? Check out our calendar (updated monthly): https://www.mun.ca/sdh/events.php   Did you miss a previous talk? They’re all hosted on the Memorial University Faculty of Engineering Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0xNrYaFxax1MPqOO3yBTcGglxGR7MzQB Online Student Design Hub Add to Calendar