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Creative Leadership Lab

Saturday, Nov. 6, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Suncor Energy Hall, School of Music

We can learn a lot about leadership by observing the arts in motion. On November 6, Dr. Ian Sutherland, leadership development expert and Vice-President (Grenfell Campus), pro tempore, Memorial University, will walk participants through how to lead creatively, using choral conducting as a metaphor.

Dr. Sutherland has offered versions of his acclaimed workshop “Creative Leadership” all around the world. This time, he’s bringing it to the School of Music at Memorial University, offering local participants new ideas and approaches they can apply to their own lives.

Tickets: https://banlcreativeleadership.eventbrite.ca

Presented by Business & Arts NL

Event Listing 2021-11-06 9:00:00 2021-11-06 13:00:00 America/St_Johns Creative Leadership Lab We can learn a lot about leadership by observing the arts in motion. On November 6, Dr. Ian Sutherland, leadership development expert and Vice-President (Grenfell Campus), pro tempore, Memorial University, will walk participants through how to lead creatively, using choral conducting as a metaphor. Dr. Sutherland has offered versions of his acclaimed workshop “Creative Leadership” all around the world. This time, he’s bringing it to the School of Music at Memorial University, offering local participants new ideas and approaches they can apply to their own lives. Tickets: https://banlcreativeleadership.eventbrite.ca Suncor Energy Hall, School of Music Business & Arts NL Add to Calendar