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How to Talk to Students About Academic Integrity

Monday, Feb. 21, 2-3 p.m.


This event has been postponed to Thursday, March 17, 2-3 pm. 

Knowing when and what to include when talking to your students about academic integrity can, for some, be daunting. This session will cover the pertinent university regulations; the resources available at the university for faculty, staff and students; the INTG 1000 undergraduate course; the role of information literacy and assignment design in promoting integrity; and suggestions of messages to include in your syllabus and share with your students. This session is suitable for faculty, instructors and staff and there will be time for Q&A.

This session is a collaboration between CITL and Memorial Libraries. Session facilitators are:

  • Janet Goosney, Literacy Coordinator, QEII Library
  • Erin Alcock, Science Research Liaison Librarian, QEII Library
  • Jane Costello, Senior Instructional Designer, CITL

This session will be hosted in Webex. Registration is required for this event. For more information and to register, please follow *this link*.

Presented by CITL

Event Listing 2022-02-21 14:00:00 2022-02-21 15:00:00 America/St_Johns How to Talk to Students About Academic Integrity This event has been postponed to Thursday, March 17, 2-3 pm.  Knowing when and what to include when talking to your students about academic integrity can, for some, be daunting. This session will cover the pertinent university regulations; the resources available at the university for faculty, staff and students; the INTG 1000 undergraduate course; the role of information literacy and assignment design in promoting integrity; and suggestions of messages to include in your syllabus and share with your students. This session is suitable for faculty, instructors and staff and there will be time for Q&A. This session is a collaboration between CITL and Memorial Libraries. Session facilitators are: Janet Goosney, Literacy Coordinator, QEII Library Erin Alcock, Science Research Liaison Librarian, QEII Library Jane Costello, Senior Instructional Designer, CITL This session will be hosted in Webex. Registration is required for this event. For more information and to register, please follow *this link*. Online CITL Add to Calendar