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Beyond Capitalist Freedom – A Talk by Adam Kotkso

Tuesday, March 1, 3:30-4:30 p.m.


The Departments of Anthropology, Political Science and Religious Studies, with support from the Scholarship in the Arts Program, are pleased to announce a 3-part lecture series on Neoliberalism. 


Neoliberalism has been the reigning creed of political economy for the past generation. Long before the COVID-19 pandemic, neoliberalism’s critics revealed the folly of an unbridled faith in the power of private markets as a solution to society’s ills—what is more, neoliberal agendas have been shown to have created or exacerbated the multiple, global crises now facing us. This lecture series examines neoliberalism, from the perspectives of political theology, the neoliberalization of the academy, and the role of law in the neoliberal project. 


Lecture 1: Tuesday, March 1, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. (via Zoom)


Adam Kotsko, “The Cost of Capitalist Freedom” – examines the thought of economist Milton Friedman through lens of political theology. 


Adam Kotsko is on the faculty of the Shimer Great Books School, North Central College (Illinois). He is author of several books, including Agamben’s Philosophical Trajectory and Neoliberalism’s Demons. His research focuses on political theology, continental philosophy and the history of Christian Thought; he is the translator of several of Giorgio Agamben’s key works. 


Register via the link, below:



Presented by Departments of Anthropology, Political Science and Religious Studies

Event Listing 2022-03-01 15:30:00 2022-03-01 16:30:00 America/St_Johns Beyond Capitalist Freedom – A Talk by Adam Kotkso The Departments of Anthropology, Political Science and Religious Studies, with support from the Scholarship in the Arts Program, are pleased to announce a 3-part lecture series on Neoliberalism.    Neoliberalism has been the reigning creed of political economy for the past generation. Long before the COVID-19 pandemic, neoliberalism’s critics revealed the folly of an unbridled faith in the power of private markets as a solution to society’s ills—what is more, neoliberal agendas have been shown to have created or exacerbated the multiple, global crises now facing us. This lecture series examines neoliberalism, from the perspectives of political theology, the neoliberalization of the academy, and the role of law in the neoliberal project.    Lecture 1: Tuesday, March 1, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. (via Zoom)   Adam Kotsko, “The Cost of Capitalist Freedom” – examines the thought of economist Milton Friedman through lens of political theology.    Adam Kotsko is on the faculty of the Shimer Great Books School, North Central College (Illinois). He is author of several books, including Agamben’s Philosophical Trajectory and Neoliberalism’s Demons. His research focuses on political theology, continental philosophy and the history of Christian Thought; he is the translator of several of Giorgio Agamben’s key works.    Register via the link, below:    https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqd-mtrzgsHd0Il0EEhIrfLReeqU8Swuwj Online Departments of Anthropology, Political Science and Religious Studies Add to Calendar