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Managing Your Research II: Data Repositories

Friday, March 4, 1-2 p.m.


Are you completing your research project and wondering where your data should be stored? This session will address what “data deposit” is and why it is beneficial to share your data. This session will also introduce you to different types of data repositories and data sharing options available to you.


Presenter: Dr. Natalia Barykina, Graduate Studies Librarian, Memorial University




Offered by Memorial University’s Enhanced Development of the Graduate Experience (EDGE): https://www.mun.ca/edge/Workshops__Events/Workshops_Events_Cal/index.php 

Presented by School of Graduate Studies

Event Listing 2022-03-04 13:00:00 2022-03-04 14:00:00 America/St_Johns Managing Your Research II: Data Repositories Are you completing your research project and wondering where your data should be stored? This session will address what “data deposit” is and why it is beneficial to share your data. This session will also introduce you to different types of data repositories and data sharing options available to you.   Presenter: Dr. Natalia Barykina, Graduate Studies Librarian, Memorial University   REGISTER   Offered by Memorial University’s Enhanced Development of the Graduate Experience (EDGE): https://www.mun.ca/edge/Workshops__Events/Workshops_Events_Cal/index.php  Online School of Graduate Studies