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Sensitive Data Project

Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1-2:20 p.m.


This introductory workshop will discuss the progress of the Federated Research Data Repository’s (FRDR) Sensitive Data Pilot Project. The goal of this pilot project is to augment the capabilities of FRDR to allow for deposit and sharing of sensitive data, and to support institutions and other repositories with sensitive data sharing and management.

REGISTER: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/hss-winter-series-2023-sensitive-data-project-tickets-515025724807

Presented by Digital Research Alliance of Canada

Event Listing 2023-02-15 13:00:00 2023-02-15 14:20:00 America/St_Johns Sensitive Data Project This introductory workshop will discuss the progress of the Federated Research Data Repository’s (FRDR) Sensitive Data Pilot Project. The goal of this pilot project is to augment the capabilities of FRDR to allow for deposit and sharing of sensitive data, and to support institutions and other repositories with sensitive data sharing and management. REGISTER: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/hss-winter-series-2023-sensitive-data-project-tickets-515025724807 Online Digital Research Alliance of Canada Add to Calendar