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Medical Genetics – Bioscience of Health and Disease Journal Club

Monday, Jan. 29, 12-1:30 p.m.


Nash Denic, MSc Student

“Investigating the Effects of Estrogen on the Initiation of Prostate Cancer”


Shamila Yasdanpanah, MSc Student

“Analyzing the potential interaction between Protein Kinase D3 (PKD3) and ARHGAP11A (MP-GAP) in mammalian cells using co-immunoprecipitation”

Presented by Division of BioMedical Sciences

Event Listing 2024-01-29 12:00:00 2024-01-29 13:30:00 America/St_Johns Medical Genetics – Bioscience of Health and Disease Journal Club Nash Denic, MSc Student “Investigating the Effects of Estrogen on the Initiation of Prostate Cancer”   Shamila Yasdanpanah, MSc Student “Analyzing the potential interaction between Protein Kinase D3 (PKD3) and ARHGAP11A (MP-GAP) in mammalian cells using co-immunoprecipitation” MED-5M101 Division of BioMedical Sciences Add to Calendar