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Gender Equity: International Women’s Day and Beyond

Thursday, March 7, 2:30-3:30 p.m.


International Women’s Day and Transgender Day of Visibility are both recognized in March. In recognition of these days, the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) is holding a webinar that will explore gender equity from different perspectives. Topics covered during the webinar will include how far we have come, obstacles that we are still facing and where we go from here.

For more information on the session and to access the registration page, please see the link below. When registering, please choose “Employer Partner” as the registration type (note: the cost of the webinar will display as zero once Employer Partner has been selected). If you have any questions, please email equity@mun.ca.

Please note, webinar registration will close one business day before the event.

Registration link: https://www.ccdi.ca/event-calendar/ccdi-webinar-gender-equity-international-womens-day-and-beyond/

Presented by Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion

Event Listing 2024-03-07 14:30:00 2024-03-07 15:30:00 America/St_Johns Gender Equity: International Women’s Day and Beyond International Women’s Day and Transgender Day of Visibility are both recognized in March. In recognition of these days, the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) is holding a webinar that will explore gender equity from different perspectives. Topics covered during the webinar will include how far we have come, obstacles that we are still facing and where we go from here. For more information on the session and to access the registration page, please see the link below. When registering, please choose “Employer Partner” as the registration type (note: the cost of the webinar will display as zero once Employer Partner has been selected). If you have any questions, please email equity@mun.ca. Please note, webinar registration will close one business day before the event. Registration link: https://www.ccdi.ca/event-calendar/ccdi-webinar-gender-equity-international-womens-day-and-beyond/ Online Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion Add to Calendar