Brightspace Essentials
Thursday, Aug. 29, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Whether you are new to teaching in Brightspace or just need a refresher, this session will walk you through the most commonly used features of the Brightspace environment. The topics include:
- Overview of CITL’s support team
- Logging into Brightspace and accessing your course site
- Adding content to a site, including the Brightspace Course Setup Kit
- Setting up the grade book to track and return grades to students
- Using course mail and announcements to contact your students
- Setting up a Discussion Forum
- Creating Assignments and Quizzes
- Introducing Online Rooms
Instructors are encouraged to bring forward issues or challenges they may have experienced when teaching with Brightspace, and we will aim to provide suggestions to address them.
For more information and to register for this event, please visit the CITL Events Calendar.
Presented by CITL