Davis Forman and Dr. Kevin Power
January 13, 2016
Graduate student Davis Forman and Dr. Kevin Power, School of Human Kinetics and Recreation, presented on the topic Corticospinal Excitability to the Biceps Brachii during the Initiation of Arm Cycling is Not Different from an Intensity-matched Tonic Contraction during CSEP 2015: Where Science is the New Steel, in Hamilton, Ont., from Oct. 14-17, 2015. Authors of the presentation are Davis Forman, Devin Philpott, Duane Button and Kevin Power. Mr. Forman and Dr. Power also presented Corticospinal Excitability to the Biceps Brachii During Arm Cycling is Influenced by Forearm Position during the event. The poster’s authors are Mr. Forman, Mark Richards and Dr. Power.