Dr. Kimberly Maich
November 10, 2017
Dr. Kimberly Maich, associate professor of special education, Faculty of Education, published a research paper titled, Teaching and Learning in Two iPad-Infused Classrooms: A Descriptive Case Study of a Dual classroom, School-Based Pilot Project. The paper appears in Exceptionality Education International (Vol. 27, Issue 2) and will be open access one year following publication. This was a joint research project with Carmen Hall (Fanshawe College), Tricia van Rhijn (University of Guelph), graduate student Megan Henning (Brock University), and an Ontario school community. It follows the related pedagogical paper, Implementing iPads in the Inclusive Classroom Setting, (Intervention in School and Clinic), Sage publication’s second-most downloaded article of 2016.