2023 Job Lecture Series. Public Lecture by Prof. Kenichiro Itami, Nagoya University
Wednesday, July 12, 5-6:30 p.m.
CSF-1302, CSF-1309A/B
Crafting Super Molecules: Creativity Is Just Connecting Things
Molecules are small, but essential parts of all life on the planet. Molecules are groups of atoms chemically bound together that behave as a single unit. They are central to the operation of all industries, including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, electronic materials, solar cells, displays, petrochemicals, automotive manufacturing, plastics, polymers and many more sectors. It is my strong belief that molecules have the power to change the way we do science and the way we live. In the first half of my talk, I will introduce some examples how molecules are used in our daily life and the importance and excitement of interdisciplinary science in producing transformative molecules for the future. In the second half of my talk, I will briefly introduce the essence of my molecular nanocarbon science and our efforts to generate new forms of carbon, which may have beneficial impacts on our lives.
Presented by Department of Chemistry