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Introduction to the Unix Command Line

Tuesday, Feb. 14, 3-4:20 p.m.


Most introductions to a command line interface are targeted at using the interface as a gateway to some other tool that it doesn’t make sense to access in any other way. This workshop will be different because it will introduce you to using the command line interface to actually do work directly on the command line. Why would anyone want to do this you ask? In many cases the command line is faster and offers abilities that other tools do not, especially when working with raw text files. This will be a hands-on workshop that assumes no previous knowledge. While specific examples will be considered throughout, the point of the workshop will be to highlight possible future applications that participants might be interested in.

REGISTER: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/hss-winter-series-2023-introduction-to-the-unix-command-line-tickets-514348258487

Presented by Digital Research Alliance of Canada

Event Listing 2023-02-14 15:00:00 2023-02-14 16:20:00 America/St_Johns Introduction to the Unix Command Line Most introductions to a command line interface are targeted at using the interface as a gateway to some other tool that it doesn’t make sense to access in any other way. This workshop will be different because it will introduce you to using the command line interface to actually do work directly on the command line. Why would anyone want to do this you ask? In many cases the command line is faster and offers abilities that other tools do not, especially when working with raw text files. This will be a hands-on workshop that assumes no previous knowledge. While specific examples will be considered throughout, the point of the workshop will be to highlight possible future applications that participants might be interested in. REGISTER: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/hss-winter-series-2023-introduction-to-the-unix-command-line-tickets-514348258487 Online Digital Research Alliance of Canada