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A Practical Overview of the Planning, Logistics and Running of a Science-focused Harlow Campus Course

Monday, Nov. 7, 1-2 p.m.


SEMINAR by Drs. Scott Harding and Rob Bertolo

The direct link for the meeting is:



Prior to the covid pandemic, we began the process of developing, planning, and implementing a practical and experiential nutrition course that would operate out of our Harlow Campus. While we were delayed in our implementation of the course due to the pandemic we eventually organized and executed a spring semester course with 10 undergraduate students in May 2022. This seminar will present an overview of the process of planning and implementing such a course. We will discuss the practicalities of organizing field trips and activities in the UK, how to finance the course so that it is cost neutral to the department while being accessible to students from the cost perspective. We will present the feedback we received from the students, our own reflections on the process, and how we plan to improve upon the course for 2023. If you have an interest in the practical side of organizing and running a Harlow Campus-based course this seminar will be a good primer for your adventure. Our learning goals for this seminar are to communicate the best practices and essentials for preparing a Harlow course and provide a starting point for any colleagues interested in planning a course at the Harlow Campus.


Presented by Department of Biochemistry

Event Listing 2022-11-07 13:00:00 2022-11-07 14:00:00 America/St_Johns A Practical Overview of the Planning, Logistics and Running of a Science-focused Harlow Campus Course SEMINAR by Drs. Scott Harding and Rob Bertolo The direct link for the meeting is: https://mun.webex.com/mun/j.php?MTID=me3ee0366bb2160fdabe7167ffe6c97bf Abstract: Prior to the covid pandemic, we began the process of developing, planning, and implementing a practical and experiential nutrition course that would operate out of our Harlow Campus. While we were delayed in our implementation of the course due to the pandemic we eventually organized and executed a spring semester course with 10 undergraduate students in May 2022. This seminar will present an overview of the process of planning and implementing such a course. We will discuss the practicalities of organizing field trips and activities in the UK, how to finance the course so that it is cost neutral to the department while being accessible to students from the cost perspective. We will present the feedback we received from the students, our own reflections on the process, and how we plan to improve upon the course for 2023. If you have an interest in the practical side of organizing and running a Harlow Campus-based course this seminar will be a good primer for your adventure. Our learning goals for this seminar are to communicate the best practices and essentials for preparing a Harlow course and provide a starting point for any colleagues interested in planning a course at the Harlow Campus.   CSF-1302 Department of Biochemistry