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An Introduction to Government Procurement

Friday, Jan. 31, 2:30-4 p.m.


Have you ever wondered how governments procure goods, services, and public

works? What does the process look like and what rules govern the process? These

are some of the questions that will be addressed in this introductory discussion on

government procurement. We will also discuss what are some of the key principles

that guide effective procurement frameworks and why these principles are

promoted internationally through free trade agreements and development aid

Bio: Adam Vickers is a public policy professional with over fifteen years experience

working with trade agreements covering markets in North America, Asia, and

Europe. As a public policy professional, Mr. Vickers has provided advice to a wide

range of clients including governments, crown corporations, industry associations,

and businesses, among others.

Presented by Department of Political Science

Event Listing 2025-01-31 14:30:00 2025-01-31 16:00:00 America/St_Johns An Introduction to Government Procurement Have you ever wondered how governments procure goods, services, and public works? What does the process look like and what rules govern the process? These are some of the questions that will be addressed in this introductory discussion on government procurement. We will also discuss what are some of the key principles that guide effective procurement frameworks and why these principles are promoted internationally through free trade agreements and development aid Bio: Adam Vickers is a public policy professional with over fifteen years experience working with trade agreements covering markets in North America, Asia, and Europe. As a public policy professional, Mr. Vickers has provided advice to a wide range of clients including governments, crown corporations, industry associations, and businesses, among others. SN-2033 Department of Political Science