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Assignments and Video Assignments in Brightspace

Tuesday, Sept. 6, 10-11 a.m.


The Assignments Tool in Brightspace provides instructors with a consistent location to collect student work. The tool has built-in grading features, and can be linked to the grade book for an efficient way to return work and share student grades on their assignments. This session will walk you through the steps of setting up your assignments, submission folders, and restrictions as well as using the grading features. Special attention will be given to the Video Assignment tool.

For more information and to register, please click HERE.

Presented by CITL

Event Listing 2022-09-06 10:00:00 2022-09-06 11:00:00 America/St_Johns Assignments and Video Assignments in Brightspace The Assignments Tool in Brightspace provides instructors with a consistent location to collect student work. The tool has built-in grading features, and can be linked to the grade book for an efficient way to return work and share student grades on their assignments. This session will walk you through the steps of setting up your assignments, submission folders, and restrictions as well as using the grading features. Special attention will be given to the Video Assignment tool. For more information and to register, please click HERE. Online CITL