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Basketball Pick-Up for Faculty and Staff

Thursday, Sept. 12, 12-1 p.m.

Field House

Interested in a quick game of basketball on your midafternoon break? Then join your fellow employees from 12-1pm on the Field House hardwood! Games will take place Monday and Wednesday, 12-1pm for the Fall semester. They are open to all university employees. Games are meant to be informal and fun and offer a chance for Memorial employees to get exercise and meet colleagues from around the university. Everyone is welcome to play, regardless of skill level.  If interested, please email Professor John Sandlos jsandlos@mun.ca for more information and to get on the e-mail list.

Presented by Human Resources; Employee Well-Being

Event Listing 2024-09-12 12:00:00 2024-09-12 13:00:00 America/St_Johns Basketball Pick-Up for Faculty and Staff Interested in a quick game of basketball on your midafternoon break? Then join your fellow employees from 12-1pm on the Field House hardwood! Games will take place Monday and Wednesday, 12-1pm for the Fall semester. They are open to all university employees. Games are meant to be informal and fun and offer a chance for Memorial employees to get exercise and meet colleagues from around the university. Everyone is welcome to play, regardless of skill level.  If interested, please email Professor John Sandlos jsandlos@mun.ca for more information and to get on the e-mail list. Field House Human Resources; Employee Well-Being