Blue Box Seminar
Thursday, March 17, 3-4 p.m.
Who: Geography Blue Box Seminar presents Dr. John Robinson, University of Toronto
When: March 17, 2022, 3-4 pm
Where: online
Description: Regenerative Sustainability
Abstract: Conventional approaches to sustainability focus mainly on the environmental dimensions and tend to adopt an approach oriented toward damage reduction and harm limitation. This presentation argues instead for thinking of sustainability as embracing both human and environmental wellbeing, and as aiming at outcomes that are net positive in both dimensions. Examples of such a regenerative sustainability approach will be given and some if its implications discussed.
About the author: John Robinson is a Professor at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, and the School of the Environment, at the University of Toronto; an Honorary Professor with the Institute for Resources, Environment & Sustainability at The University of British Columbia; and an Adjunct Professor with the Copenhagen Business School.
At the University of Toronto, he is also Presidential Advisor on the Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability. Prof. Robinson’s research focuses on the intersection of climate change mitigation, adaptation and sustainability; the use of visualization, modelling, and citizen engagement to explore sustainable futures; sustainable buildings and urban design; the role of the university in contributing to sustainability; creating partnerships for sustainability with non-academic partners; and, generally, the intersection of sustainability, social and technological change, behaviour change, and community engagement processes.
Presented by Department of Geography