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Blue Box Seminar

Friday, March 8, 2-3 p.m.


Fish Aid: how ‘wasted fish’ from NL ended up as food in Canada’s international food aid basket” by Sam E. Morton, PhD Candidate, Dept of Geography,  & “Please Do Not Walk on the Dunes: Assessing Cumulative Impacts on Coastal Vegetated Sand Dune Systems in Newfoundland”  by Meghan A. Power, MSc Geography.



Presented by Department of Geography

Event Listing 2024-03-08 14:00:00 2024-03-08 15:00:00 America/St_Johns Blue Box Seminar Fish Aid: how ‘wasted fish’ from NL ended up as food in Canada’s international food aid basket” by Sam E. Morton, PhD Candidate, Dept of Geography,  & “Please Do Not Walk on the Dunes: Assessing Cumulative Impacts on Coastal Vegetated Sand Dune Systems in Newfoundland”  by Meghan A. Power, MSc Geography.     SN-2025 Department of Geography