Blue Box Seminar
Friday, Dec. 6, 3-4 p.m.
Chris Phelan – MA student will speak on Examining the Circular Potential of Atlantic Canada’s Makerspaces.
This presentation will focus on research investigating the relationship between ideas proposed by the circular economy and makerspaces located in Atlantic Canada. The following will be addressed: Can makerspaces benefit from incorporating ideas surrounding circularity in their practices and if so desires, how is that relationship facilitated? What kind of barriers might exist that prevent the expansion of circularity in makerspaces and how are they overcome?
Tyler Fountain- PhD candidate will speak on “Shaping Cold-Water Coral Communities in the Labrador Sea and Eastern Canadian Arctic”
Research Proposal
Cold-water corals (CWCs) live within a wide range of environmental conditions. Due to their ecological significance and the ongoing transformation of the world’s oceans it is important to understand what biophysical factors determine their distribution, especially in rapidly changing areas such as the Arctic. My research looks to investigate the factors that contribute to structuring the biogeography of CWCs within the Labrador Sea and Eastern Canadian Arctic, while also attempting to predict their distributions under present and future scenarios. This work has the capacity to help inform conservation decision making and promote climate resilient marine spatial planning strategies within this region.
Presented by Department of Geography