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Building Influence and Persuasion

Tuesday, Aug. 9, 1-4:30 p.m.

Gardiner Centre, Signal Hill Campus

Delivered virtually August 9-10, 2022, from 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm, NST.

Influence and persuade other people, without using formal authority, to increase your workplace relationships, effectiveness, reputation, and business success.

In today’s complex organizational environments, leaders need to focus on building and sustaining successful and effective working relationships. Regardless of the type of organization and the leadership roles within it, being able to influence others matters across all levels and roles. This course will provide participants with an understanding of their personal influencing style and how to customize that style when dealing with others to generate success and foster stronger working relationships.

Participants will assess the four-step influence model (Asserting, Attracting, Persuading and Bridging) and apply the principles of each step to a current situation they are experiencing at work. Through direct application, practice, and peer and instructor feedback, participants will gain a deep understanding of their influence style and how to use it to create better success outcomes. During the last part of the course, participants will create an individualized action plan to improve their influencing approach, style and behaviour going forward.



Presented by Gardiner Centre

Event Listing 2022-08-09 13:00:00 2022-08-09 16:30:00 America/St_Johns Building Influence and Persuasion Delivered virtually August 9-10, 2022, from 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm, NST. Influence and persuade other people, without using formal authority, to increase your workplace relationships, effectiveness, reputation, and business success. In today’s complex organizational environments, leaders need to focus on building and sustaining successful and effective working relationships. Regardless of the type of organization and the leadership roles within it, being able to influence others matters across all levels and roles. This course will provide participants with an understanding of their personal influencing style and how to customize that style when dealing with others to generate success and foster stronger working relationships. Participants will assess the four-step influence model (Asserting, Attracting, Persuading and Bridging) and apply the principles of each step to a current situation they are experiencing at work. Through direct application, practice, and peer and instructor feedback, participants will gain a deep understanding of their influence style and how to use it to create better success outcomes. During the last part of the course, participants will create an individualized action plan to improve their influencing approach, style and behaviour going forward.   REGISTER NOW! Gardiner Centre, Signal Hill Campus Gardiner Centre