Can I Whet Your Appetite with Some Quantum Flavours?
Friday, April 19, 1-2 p.m.
Please join us for our next research “Munch and Learn” on April 19 from 1:00-2:00pm in BN4031. Dr. Emmanuel Haven will present his paper “Can I whet your appetite with some quantum flavours?”
Abstract: The social sciences have long interacted with other areas of knowledge ranging from biology (example: ant behavior and human decision making) to physics and mathematics (example: Black-Scholes (financial) option pricing). This talk will attempt to convince you that ideas from quantum mechanics can have a ‘raison d’ˆetre’ in solving some interesting questions in management and economics/finance. We will first define some of those problems and then, in a non-convoluted way, try to show the benefits of using the quantum-like approach.
Bio: Dr. Emmanuel Haven holds the Dr. A. Faseruk Chair in Financial Management. He co-founded the new journal Quantum Economics and Finance published by
Please RSVP by April 18 to
We hope to see you there!
Presented by Faculty of Business Administration