Canadian Politics: Where Do We Go From Here?
Friday, Oct. 15, 12:30-1:45 p.m.
A MUNalum Days event
We now have our second consecutive minority Liberal government, this time elected in the middle of a pandemic. Did we talk about issues in the campaign? Did we talk about the right issues? What do we make of the state of Canadian politics? What do we still need in society? What can be done? What is likely to be done?
Memorial University’s Department of Political Science, located within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, is known for its highly respected faculty. Join Dr. Amanda Bittner, Professor of Political Science and the Director of the Gender and Politics Lab at Memorial, as she leads and moderates an online panel of internationally-renowned experts who include:
- Dr. Kiera Ladner, Canada Research Chair in Miyo we’citowin, Indigenous Governance and Digital Sovereignties, University of Manitoba;
- Dr. Debra Thompson, Canada Research Chair in Racial Inequality in Democratic Societies, McGill University;
- Dr. Michael Orsini, Professor, Feminist and Gender Studies | Political Studies, University of Ottawa; and
- Dr. Elizabeth Goodyear-Grant, Professor, Political Studies, Queen’s University, and Director of the Canadian Opinion Research Archive.
Presented by Office of Alumni Engagement; Department of Political Science