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Career Talk: Careers in Helping Professions

Tuesday, July 25, 12-1:30 p.m.


All students and alumni are welcome to attend this event. Alumni with educational backgrounds in Science and Arts (Humanities and Social Sciences) will be speaking about their career paths in helping fields and how they navigated their job search. This is a great opportunity to learn where a degree in science, arts and other educational backgrounds related to helping fields can take you. Since many jobs are not publicly advertised, networking is a major factor for students and graduates in finding jobs and careers!

You will hear from each presenter, and a question and answer period will follow so, not only can you get the information you need, but you can also make meaningful connections with those in the industry.

Pizza will be provided for lunch.
To learn more about the presenters and register, please visit:

Presented by Career Development Office

Event Listing 2023-07-25 12:00:00 2023-07-25 13:30:00 America/St_Johns Career Talk: Careers in Helping Professions All students and alumni are welcome to attend this event. Alumni with educational backgrounds in Science and Arts (Humanities and Social Sciences) will be speaking about their career paths in helping fields and how they navigated their job search. This is a great opportunity to learn where a degree in science, arts and other educational backgrounds related to helping fields can take you. Since many jobs are not publicly advertised, networking is a major factor for students and graduates in finding jobs and careers! You will hear from each presenter, and a question and answer period will follow so, not only can you get the information you need, but you can also make meaningful connections with those in the industry. Pizza will be provided for lunch. To learn more about the presenters and register, please visit: https://crm.stuaff.mun.ca/events.htm?evtId=1916 UC-3015 Career Development Office