CITL Instructor Series: Neurodiversity in the Classroom: From Accommodation to Collaboration
Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2-3 p.m.
ED-1001; online
Presenter: Dr. Andreae Callanan, Per Course Instructor, Department of English, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Framework Coordinator, Office of Public Engagement
Neurodivergence, neurodiversity, neurotypicality, neurospiciness: what do all these words mean, and what do they look like in the university classroom space?
In this session, Dr. Callanan will draw on her expertise in neurodiversity and creativity and her experience as a classroom instructor (and neurodivergent learner) to unpack some of the language around neurodiversity, and to offer suggestions on how instructors can work with neurodivergent learners to create neurodiversity-friendly assignments, evaluations, and learning environments.
For more information and to register, please visit the CITL Events Calendar
Presented by CITL