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Colloquium Series in Psychology

Tuesday, Sept. 26, 12-1 p.m.


The Department of Psychology at Memorial University of Newfoundland is inviting faculty, staff, and students to our Colloquium Series in Psychology. The seminar series features faculty, staff, and students from various disciplines within Memorial University who present their work to psychology graduate students. The next seminar will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 26th, in the Science Building (SN-2067) at 12 pm.

Presented by Department of Psychology

Event Listing 2023-09-26 12:00:00 2023-09-26 13:00:00 America/St_Johns Colloquium Series in Psychology The Department of Psychology at Memorial University of Newfoundland is inviting faculty, staff, and students to our Colloquium Series in Psychology. The seminar series features faculty, staff, and students from various disciplines within Memorial University who present their work to psychology graduate students. The next seminar will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 26th, in the Science Building (SN-2067) at 12 pm. SN-2067 Department of Psychology