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Desktops in the Cloud

Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1:30-4:30 p.m.


The Cloud provides access to hardware resources beyond those available on your laptop or desktop, though you may still want to interact with that hardware as if it were your laptop using a graphical user interface (GUI) desktop. In this workshop we will install a GUI desktop on a remote virtual machine and connect to it from our laptop, allowing us to use this remote desktop almost as if it were our local machine.


Register at: https://www.acenet.training/courses

Presented by ACENET

Event Listing 2024-11-05 13:30:00 2024-11-05 16:30:00 America/St_Johns Desktops in the Cloud The Cloud provides access to hardware resources beyond those available on your laptop or desktop, though you may still want to interact with that hardware as if it were your laptop using a graphical user interface (GUI) desktop. In this workshop we will install a GUI desktop on a remote virtual machine and connect to it from our laptop, allowing us to use this remote desktop almost as if it were our local machine.   Register at: https://www.acenet.training/courses Online ACENET Add to Calendar