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Diversity in the Workplace Culture in Canada

Thursday, March 9, 1-2 p.m.

IIC-3001, Bruneau Centre and online

Please join us for a special free session hosted by the School of Graduate Studies “Retaining Global Talent” project and the Association for New Canadians (ANC).

Exploring diversity and why it matters, this session provides an understanding of key concepts. With the most rapidly aging population in Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador is increasingly challenged to secure stable and reliable sources of labour. This presentation maps immigration trends and explores the benefits and business value of diversifying the workforce and recruiting internationally-trained workers at all skill levels. It focuses on the importance of immigration for the economic and cultural development of rural areas in the province. The guest speakers will share success stories of communities that have sustained business ventures by attracting newcomer talent and discuss options for recruiting international workers. We will also discuss some of the Canadian workplace norms so that the future labour force will know some key aspects of working in diversified workspaces. 

Speaker: The Association of New Canadians (ANC)



Presented by School of Graduate Studies; Association for New Canadians

Event Listing 2023-03-09 13:00:00 2023-03-09 14:00:00 America/St_Johns Diversity in the Workplace Culture in Canada Please join us for a special free session hosted by the School of Graduate Studies “Retaining Global Talent” project and the Association for New Canadians (ANC). Exploring diversity and why it matters, this session provides an understanding of key concepts. With the most rapidly aging population in Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador is increasingly challenged to secure stable and reliable sources of labour. This presentation maps immigration trends and explores the benefits and business value of diversifying the workforce and recruiting internationally-trained workers at all skill levels. It focuses on the importance of immigration for the economic and cultural development of rural areas in the province. The guest speakers will share success stories of communities that have sustained business ventures by attracting newcomer talent and discuss options for recruiting international workers. We will also discuss some of the Canadian workplace norms so that the future labour force will know some key aspects of working in diversified workspaces.  Speaker: The Association of New Canadians (ANC) Register: https://event-wizard.com/Diversityworkplace0316/0/register/ IIC-3001, Bruneau Centre and online School of Graduate Studies; Association for New Canadians