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Documenting Your Teaching for Academic Job Applications

Thursday, April 7, 1-2 p.m.


Institutions seeking to fill an academic position often require applicants to submit documentation describing their teaching. In this session, students will receive advice about what documents to prepare and what evidence to collect to describe their teaching responsibility, goals, approaches, and effectiveness for potential employers.


Presenter: Melanie Doyle, Educational Developer (Graduate Student Teaching Development),  Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning




Offered by Memorial University’s Enhanced Development of the Graduate Experience (EDGE): https://www.mun.ca/edge/Workshops__Events/Workshops_Events_Cal/index.php 

Presented by School of Graduate Studies

Event Listing 2022-04-07 13:00:00 2022-04-07 14:00:00 America/St_Johns Documenting Your Teaching for Academic Job Applications Institutions seeking to fill an academic position often require applicants to submit documentation describing their teaching. In this session, students will receive advice about what documents to prepare and what evidence to collect to describe their teaching responsibility, goals, approaches, and effectiveness for potential employers.   Presenter: Melanie Doyle, Educational Developer (Graduate Student Teaching Development),  Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning   REGISTER   Offered by Memorial University’s Enhanced Development of the Graduate Experience (EDGE): https://www.mun.ca/edge/Workshops__Events/Workshops_Events_Cal/index.php  Online School of Graduate Studies