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Engaging LGBTQ2IAS+ Community Members in Clinical Research

Wednesday, Sept. 28, 12-1 p.m.


Join Dr. Holly Etchegary and Shane Randell as they talk about patient engagement with the LGBTQ2IAS+ community for a project focused on cardiovascular health outcomes in sexual and gender minority (SGM) groups. Much of the research in this community has focused on mental health, leaving gaps in our understanding of physical health outcomes. The lived experience of individuals can help identify priority areas for research. Dr. Holly Etchegary is NL Support’s Academic patient engagement lead and will set the stage with a brief summary of patient engagement and patient-oriented research. Then, Shane Randell, PhD candidate and epidemiologist with the Public Health Agency of Canada, will share his stakeholder engagement process, with both academic researchers in the field and members of the SGM community for his PhD thesis that is currently under production. We will discuss gaps in the way data is collected for SGM groups, gaps in our understanding of their health outcomes, and lessons learned along the way as we recruited community volunteers to act as an advisory committee for the project.


Presented by NL Support

Event Listing 2022-09-28 12:00:00 2022-09-28 13:00:00 America/St_Johns Engaging LGBTQ2IAS+ Community Members in Clinical Research Join Dr. Holly Etchegary and Shane Randell as they talk about patient engagement with the LGBTQ2IAS+ community for a project focused on cardiovascular health outcomes in sexual and gender minority (SGM) groups. Much of the research in this community has focused on mental health, leaving gaps in our understanding of physical health outcomes. The lived experience of individuals can help identify priority areas for research. Dr. Holly Etchegary is NL Support’s Academic patient engagement lead and will set the stage with a brief summary of patient engagement and patient-oriented research. Then, Shane Randell, PhD candidate and epidemiologist with the Public Health Agency of Canada, will share his stakeholder engagement process, with both academic researchers in the field and members of the SGM community for his PhD thesis that is currently under production. We will discuss gaps in the way data is collected for SGM groups, gaps in our understanding of their health outcomes, and lessons learned along the way as we recruited community volunteers to act as an advisory committee for the project. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89258298548?pwd=OWhUZ1Z1MDAwcHF5QWNSaXNyTm05dz09 Online NL Support