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Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusive Teaching

Tuesday, Feb. 1, 10-11 a.m.


We teach a diverse range of students, but how do we teach in a way that is welcoming to all our learners? In this introductory, interactive session, we will discuss: how our own biases and privilege shape our teaching in ways we might not be aware of; how to provide a variety of content from diverse perspectives and formats; and, how to develop course activities and assessments that are equitable, accessible and inclusive.

Please note: This session will be followed by a more advanced session on Creating Safe and Inclusive Learning Environments in February.

This session will be hosted in Webex. Registration is required for this event. For more information and to register, please follow *this link*.

Presented by CITL

Event Listing 2022-02-01 10:00:00 2022-02-01 11:00:00 America/St_Johns Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusive Teaching We teach a diverse range of students, but how do we teach in a way that is welcoming to all our learners? In this introductory, interactive session, we will discuss: how our own biases and privilege shape our teaching in ways we might not be aware of; how to provide a variety of content from diverse perspectives and formats; and, how to develop course activities and assessments that are equitable, accessible and inclusive. Please note: This session will be followed by a more advanced session on Creating Safe and Inclusive Learning Environments in February. This session will be hosted in Webex. Registration is required for this event. For more information and to register, please follow *this link*. Online CITL