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Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism at Memorial

Thursday, Jan. 11, 2:30-3 p.m.


This session will provide an overview of EDI-AR priorities and ongoing initiatives and planning at Memorial University. This virtual event will have an opportunity for participants to ask questions and learn more about EDI-AR at Memorial. This session will be facilitated by Dr. Mullings, vice-provost, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism.

To register for any of the upcoming sessions please click the link: https://mun.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_23LYUG4aElZYkrI

Presented by Department of Human Resources - (Facilitator: Dr. Delores Mullings, Vice-Provost, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism)

Event Listing 2024-01-11 14:30:00 2024-01-11 15:00:00 America/St_Johns Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism at Memorial This session will provide an overview of EDI-AR priorities and ongoing initiatives and planning at Memorial University. This virtual event will have an opportunity for participants to ask questions and learn more about EDI-AR at Memorial. This session will be facilitated by Dr. Mullings, vice-provost, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism. To register for any of the upcoming sessions please click the link: https://mun.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_23LYUG4aElZYkrI Webex Department of Human Resources - (Facilitator: Dr. Delores Mullings, Vice-Provost, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism)