Essentials of Board Governance
Tuesday, June 13, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Gardiner Centre, Signal Hill Campus
Online course.
Understand what it means to be a director of a board and how to push for governance success.
Good governance is part of any well-managed organization. As represented by a board of directors, corporate governance starts with a board that oversees the activities of the organization. A good approach to governance allows the board to focus on larger issues, delegate with authority, rigorously evaluate organizational accomplishments, and lead, in a strategic sense.
In a highly interactive and engaging format, using dilemmas, short case studies, and scenarios from a variety of sectors, this session will provide new and prospective board members with a high-level introduction to organizational governance. Regardless of whether you are operating in the for-profit, not-for-profit, or government sector, understanding the processes, structures, and relationships that make up good governance is vital for organizational success.
Presented by Gardiner Centre