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Exit seminar – Master of Fisheries Science, presented by Alannah Wudrick

Wednesday, July 19, 1:30-3 p.m.

Marine Institute Conference Centre & MS Teams

Exit seminar – Master of Fisheries Science, presented by Alannah Wudrick

Comparison of ecosystem models of the Newfoundland and Labrador shelf and Grand Banks



Presented by Marine Institute, School of Fisheries

Event Listing 2023-07-19 13:30:00 2023-07-19 15:00:00 America/St_Johns Exit seminar – Master of Fisheries Science, presented by Alannah Wudrick Exit seminar – Master of Fisheries Science, presented by Alannah Wudrick Comparison of ecosystem models of the Newfoundland and Labrador shelf and Grand Banks https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19:meeting_MGQyNjIyZWQtMTYzYy00NWMyLTljMmEtYWY4ODkwMGNiZWI1@thread.v2/0?context=%7B%22Tid%22:%222e0b2c2c-2a2b-4ea7-8db9-31714f6d58e1%22,%22Oid%22:%22ed4b2c7a-81ae-4989-bfa9-b74d6e92060f%22%7D   Marine Institute Conference Centre & MS Teams Marine Institute, School of Fisheries