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From Proposal to Poster: An Introduction to Academic Posters

Thursday, March 17, 1-2 p.m.


What makes a good academic poster? How do you turn an entire thesis into a visual 750-word display? Can a proposal be a poster? What font size? What colours? In this workshop, we’ll discuss tools available for making academic posters, as well as some do’s and don’ts for poster design. This workshop will focus on inter-disciplinary posters, design basics, expectations, accessibility and innovation in student poster dissemination. It will also discuss ways to engage your audience as you walk them through your research.

Presenter: Dr. Meghan Burchell, Acting Associate Dean, School of Graduate Studies, Memorial University




Offered by Memorial University’s Enhanced Development of the Graduate Experience (EDGE): https://www.mun.ca/edge/Workshops__Events/Workshops_Events_Cal/index.php 

Presented by School of Graduate Studies

Event Listing 2022-03-17 13:00:00 2022-03-17 14:00:00 America/St_Johns From Proposal to Poster: An Introduction to Academic Posters What makes a good academic poster? How do you turn an entire thesis into a visual 750-word display? Can a proposal be a poster? What font size? What colours? In this workshop, we’ll discuss tools available for making academic posters, as well as some do’s and don’ts for poster design. This workshop will focus on inter-disciplinary posters, design basics, expectations, accessibility and innovation in student poster dissemination. It will also discuss ways to engage your audience as you walk them through your research. Presenter: Dr. Meghan Burchell, Acting Associate Dean, School of Graduate Studies, Memorial University   REGISTER   Offered by Memorial University’s Enhanced Development of the Graduate Experience (EDGE): https://www.mun.ca/edge/Workshops__Events/Workshops_Events_Cal/index.php  Online School of Graduate Studies