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General HR Policy Overview

Monday, June 6, 10-11 a.m.


The Department of Human Resources is holding a week of informative online sessions from Monday, June 6 to Friday, June 10.

This particular session will be helpful for administrators and employees in navigating human resource policy. Learn why human resource policies are important, the policy framework process for developing human resource policies, and where to locate relevant human resource policies, procedures, and guidelines. If you require accommodations, such as ASL interpreting or real-time captioning, please email equity@mun.ca.

Presenter: Kayla Hynes

To register, email mjkielly@mun.ca

For information on other HR sessions being offered this week, please click here.

Presented by Department of Human Resources

Event Listing 2022-06-06 10:00:00 2022-06-06 11:00:00 America/St_Johns General HR Policy Overview The Department of Human Resources is holding a week of informative online sessions from Monday, June 6 to Friday, June 10. This particular session will be helpful for administrators and employees in navigating human resource policy. Learn why human resource policies are important, the policy framework process for developing human resource policies, and where to locate relevant human resource policies, procedures, and guidelines. If you require accommodations, such as ASL interpreting or real-time captioning, please email equity@mun.ca. Presenter: Kayla Hynes To register, email mjkielly@mun.ca For information on other HR sessions being offered this week, please click here. Online Department of Human Resources