Global Women’s Breakfast: Catalyzing Diversity
Tuesday, Feb. 27, 12-2 p.m.
Everyone is welcome! Share your own experiences, learn, build your network and be an ally.
12:00-13:00 Panel Discussion & Question Period
Featuring Prof. Kris Poduska (Physics), Katherine Dibbons (President of MUN Chemistry Society), Amber McNeil (Graduate Student), Dr. Stefana Egli (CREAIT), Dr. Zara Faranah (Biochemistry)
13:00-14:00 Networking and Refreshments
A chance to continue the conversation and build our own in campus support networks. See if you can manage to complete the Diversity in Science Bingo card, and submit your answers to win prizes. We also have a photo booth available – please share images with @MUN_gwb on instagram and use hashtags e.g. #GWB2024 #WomenInSTEM #WISE
Please register so we can have enough refreshments and enough diversity bingo cards!
Presented by Memorial University Chemistry Graduate Society; Dr. Francesca Kerton; Dr. Lindsay Cahill