Grading Student Work in Brightspace
Wednesday, Jan. 8, 10-11 a.m.
If you are an instructor curious about using Brightspace for grading student work, this webinar is for you. The Brightspace Grades tool allows instructors to keep all course grades in one place and gives students the opportunity to keep track of their performance. In this session, we will focus on setting up your grade book and linking your course assessments to it. We will also go over:
- Places in Brightspace where you can assign grades and leave feedback for students (assignments, discussion topics, grade items in the grade book etc.)
- Handling non-graded items
- Setting up and grading group projects
- Controlling what students can and cannot see
- Managing exemptions
- Transferring final grades to Banner at the end of the term
- and more.
Finally, we will discuss important university regulations around releasing final grades to students.
For more information and to register, please visit the CITL Events Calendar
Presented by CITL