Growing Your Ensemble Practice: Embodiment Workshop
Thursday, Oct. 6, 3-5 p.m.
Suncor Energy Hall, School of Music
Co-presented by the Festival of New Dance and Business and Arts NL, and supported by the Memorial Quick Start Fund for Public Engagement.
In this joyful, action-based, on-your-feet workshop, we will explore practices that support generative ensemble collaboration and cohesion. You will discover ways of recognizing your own default habits as a member of an ensemble, and cultivate practices that help you expand into new, imaginative possibilities as an artist. Capacities such as deep, embodied listening, navigating complexity and adapting to change are all key capacities for successful ensemble play. Drawing from improvisational practices embodied by dance and theatre artists, we will explore how we sense and feel a moment and practice responding in ways that open us to new possibilities. We will discover the ways in which our relational engagement with others and our world can generate positive, co-creative outcomes.
Presented by School of Music