Healthy Discussions: Low-Value Care
Tuesday, Nov. 5, 12-1 p.m.
Low-value care describes tests and treatments that are commonly ordered despite clear evidence that they do not help with patient care — and may even cause harm.
For example, CT scans, X-rays, and MRIs are not always helpful to patients with low back pain. Antibiotics don’t help patients with viral respiratory illnesses such as a cold or flu. Low-risk surgical patients don’t necessarily need to undergo a full spectrum of tests before surgery. In fact, many of these unnecessary tests and treatments can be harmful to patients, the system, and the environment. They can cause patient stress/anxiety, radiation exposure, incidental findings, delayed procedures, increased patient travel, provider burnout, backlogged waitlists, and they contribute to carbon emissions that impact our environment.
Join us for a discussion with Choosing Wisely Canada’s Wendy Levinson about reducing low-value care while still ensuring that patients receive the appropriate care they need. Click here to register.
Presented by Quality of Care NL