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How to Find Employment Opportunities in the Field of Science

Friday, Nov. 25, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.


Discover tips, strategies and resources to find employment in the field of science. Learn about organizations that hire for science backgrounds and hear from science students/ alumni to learn about their job experiences and how you can navigate your own job search as a student and graduate. To register for this virtual event, please visit:

To learn about more events during Career Month and register for them, please visit: 

Presented by Faculty of Science; Career Development

Event Listing 2022-11-25 11:00:00 2022-11-25 12:00:00 America/St_Johns How to Find Employment Opportunities in the Field of Science Discover tips, strategies and resources to find employment in the field of science. Learn about organizations that hire for science backgrounds and hear from science students/ alumni to learn about their job experiences and how you can navigate your own job search as a student and graduate. To register for this virtual event, please visit: https://crm.stuaff.mun.ca/eventspublic.htm?eventId=1827 To learn about more events during Career Month and register for them, please visit:  https://www.mun.ca/student/career-services/career-events-and-programs/career-month/ Online Faculty of Science; Career Development