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Increasing Motivation During a Global Pandemic

Tuesday, April 6, 1-2 p.m.


Are you feeling unmotivated, stuck, and tired? Join the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre to learn ways to help increase motivation during this difficult time. This session will include goal setting, scheduling, living a balanced life, and positive practices.

Presenter: Emily Gatehouse, Healthy Campus Lifestyle Coordinator, Student Wellness and Counselling Centre (SWCC)



Offered by Memorial University’s Enhanced Development of the Graduate Experience (EDGE) https://www.mun.ca/edge: workshops and resources designed to help graduate students build diverse skills and competencies to be successful in graduate school and beyond.

Presented by School of Graduate Studies

Event Listing 2021-04-06 13:00:00 2021-04-06 14:00:00 America/St_Johns Increasing Motivation During a Global Pandemic Are you feeling unmotivated, stuck, and tired? Join the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre to learn ways to help increase motivation during this difficult time. This session will include goal setting, scheduling, living a balanced life, and positive practices. Presenter: Emily Gatehouse, Healthy Campus Lifestyle Coordinator, Student Wellness and Counselling Centre (SWCC) REGISTER   Offered by Memorial University’s Enhanced Development of the Graduate Experience (EDGE) https://www.mun.ca/edge: workshops and resources designed to help graduate students build diverse skills and competencies to be successful in graduate school and beyond. Online School of Graduate Studies