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International Graduate Students: Anticipating Graduation

Friday, Feb. 18, 1-2 p.m.


Are you an international graduate student at Memorial University? Will you graduate this semester or soon? What information should you initially notice for transitioning from a study-permit holder to a work-permit holder? Please join us for a virtual session, “For MUN international graduate students: What should you anticipate when your graduation is upcoming?” hosted by the School of Graduate Studies.

Dr. Hanh Do is a former international graduate student (graduated in June 2021) who is currently a Postgraduate Retention Coordinator (The SGS – Retaining Global Talent Project funded by The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador). In this session, she will share and discuss with you her experiences on understanding the academic program, transcript, Post- Graduation Work Permit, Open work permit for the spouse, study permit extension for children and MCP. 

Please register to join this session on Friday, February 18, 2022 (from 1 pm-2 pm; Newfoundland Standard Time). 

If you have any question or issue to register for the session, please email Dr. Hanh Do, Postgraduate Retention Coordinator: dtmaihanh@mun.ca

Thank you very much!

Presented by School of Graduate Studies

Event Listing 2022-02-18 13:00:00 2022-02-18 14:00:00 America/St_Johns International Graduate Students: Anticipating Graduation Are you an international graduate student at Memorial University? Will you graduate this semester or soon? What information should you initially notice for transitioning from a study-permit holder to a work-permit holder? Please join us for a virtual session, “For MUN international graduate students: What should you anticipate when your graduation is upcoming?” hosted by the School of Graduate Studies. Dr. Hanh Do is a former international graduate student (graduated in June 2021) who is currently a Postgraduate Retention Coordinator (The SGS – Retaining Global Talent Project funded by The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador). In this session, she will share and discuss with you her experiences on understanding the academic program, transcript, Post- Graduation Work Permit, Open work permit for the spouse, study permit extension for children and MCP.  Please register to join this session on Friday, February 18, 2022 (from 1 pm-2 pm; Newfoundland Standard Time).  If you have any question or issue to register for the session, please email Dr. Hanh Do, Postgraduate Retention Coordinator: dtmaihanh@mun.ca Thank you very much! Online School of Graduate Studies