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Introduction to the Mental Health Toolkit

Tuesday, June 7, 3-4 p.m.


Introduction to the Mental Health Toolkit microsite. This site provides links to resources and information (including emergency contact information) available through Memorial, the government and in the community. Resources can be searched based on the mental health continuum (heathy, reacting, injured and ill). If you require accommodations, such as ASL interpreting or real-time captioning, please email equity@mun.ca. Presenter: Michael Kielly
To register, email mjkielly@mun.ca

For information on other HR sessions being offered this week, please click here.

Presented by Department of Human Resources

Event Listing 2022-06-07 15:00:00 2022-06-07 16:00:00 America/St_Johns Introduction to the Mental Health Toolkit Introduction to the Mental Health Toolkit microsite. This site provides links to resources and information (including emergency contact information) available through Memorial, the government and in the community. Resources can be searched based on the mental health continuum (heathy, reacting, injured and ill). If you require accommodations, such as ASL interpreting or real-time captioning, please email equity@mun.ca. Presenter: Michael Kielly To register, email mjkielly@mun.ca For information on other HR sessions being offered this week, please click here. Online Department of Human Resources Add to Calendar