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Lessons Learned to Achieve Conservation Success: It’s About Working With People!

Friday, Sept. 23, 3-4 p.m.


Bluebox Seminar. Dr. Alistair Bath, Geography Department.

Dr. Alistair Bath will take us all around the world where he has combined human dimensions research and applied conflict resolution and facilitation skills to achieve conservation successes. Whether working with lion killers to become lion guardians in Kenya, Israelis and Palestinian authorities working on urban biodiversity issues, wolves and brown bear management issues all across Europe, tigers in India, bison restoration in Alaska, Indigenous peoples and caribou issues in Canada’s north, jaguars in Brazil, and most recently Andean cat conservation in the high Andes of Argentina, conservation successes occur when you understand that you are born with two ears and one mouth, so you should be listening at least twice as much as talking when working with local communities, key interest groups and government authorities. Listen to Alistair share stories of how listening and learning from people is the key to conservation success.

Presented by Department of Geography

Event Listing 2022-09-23 15:00:00 2022-09-23 16:00:00 America/St_Johns Lessons Learned to Achieve Conservation Success: It’s About Working With People! Bluebox Seminar. Dr. Alistair Bath, Geography Department. Dr. Alistair Bath will take us all around the world where he has combined human dimensions research and applied conflict resolution and facilitation skills to achieve conservation successes. Whether working with lion killers to become lion guardians in Kenya, Israelis and Palestinian authorities working on urban biodiversity issues, wolves and brown bear management issues all across Europe, tigers in India, bison restoration in Alaska, Indigenous peoples and caribou issues in Canada’s north, jaguars in Brazil, and most recently Andean cat conservation in the high Andes of Argentina, conservation successes occur when you understand that you are born with two ears and one mouth, so you should be listening at least twice as much as talking when working with local communities, key interest groups and government authorities. Listen to Alistair share stories of how listening and learning from people is the key to conservation success. SN-2025 Department of Geography Add to Calendar