Making Knowledge Move in Non-Traditional Ways
Thursday, Nov. 24, 2-3:30 p.m.
AS325; online
Join five Grenfell researchers as they describe how their research breaks through traditional forms of knowledge mobilization.
Our traditional approach to knowledge mobilization has been limited to conference presentations/publication, monographs, book chapters, journals, gallery exhibitions and theatre performances. While there is obvious value in these methods, they can be inaccessible to populations outside academia. We will learn about::
Robert Hengeveld‘s work with the Cloud Factory, a not-for-profit contemporary arts organization that seeks to foster and facilitate art, culture and creative exploration in western Newfoundland.
Svetlana Barkanova and Renate Pohl‘s Promoscience activities, which merge science and theatre in a way that is unique and has a particular focus on underrepresented groups.
Dawn Pittman and Roza Tchoukaleyska‘s work on the Great Northern Peninsula, which creates collaborative space for researchers and community to share their knowledge in a way that values different knowledge systems.
WebEx: email for the link
All are welcome!
Presented by Office of Research and Graduate Studies (Grenfell Campus)