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MedQuest 2024

Wednesday, Aug. 28, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.


Are you interested in pursuing an exciting career as a health professional? As a high school student, it is not too early to start thinking about your future career path. Creating a specific goal beyond high school can be challenging without the necessary information to make an informed decision. Let us help you improve your knowledge in areas including admission requirements, realistic career expectations in the health sciences, and the vast opportunities available in our province.

What is MedQuest Virtual?

MedQuest Virtual is an exciting, career-oriented one day virtual event for all students grades (10-12) in Newfoundland and Labrador interested in careers in the health sciences. Students will be introduced to many health professions such as medicine, nursing, pharmacy, physical, and occupational therapy. These health sciences careers and special topics will be presented through lectures, guest speakers and virtual tours of various health facilities.

We are also excited to announce, new to summer 2024, in-person tours of the Faculty of Medicine! Students will tour the anatomy suites, 3D printing lab and much more. Tours will be held Thursday, Aug 29, 2024. Tours are optional and space is limited. Tour times will be assigned and run approximately 90 minutes.

For more information: Office of Professional & Educational Development (OPED) – Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s (mun.ca)

Presented by Office of Professional and Educational Development

Event Listing 2024-08-28 9:00:00 2024-08-28 16:00:00 America/St_Johns MedQuest 2024 Are you interested in pursuing an exciting career as a health professional? As a high school student, it is not too early to start thinking about your future career path. Creating a specific goal beyond high school can be challenging without the necessary information to make an informed decision. Let us help you improve your knowledge in areas including admission requirements, realistic career expectations in the health sciences, and the vast opportunities available in our province. What is MedQuest Virtual? MedQuest Virtual is an exciting, career-oriented one day virtual event for all students grades (10-12) in Newfoundland and Labrador interested in careers in the health sciences. Students will be introduced to many health professions such as medicine, nursing, pharmacy, physical, and occupational therapy. These health sciences careers and special topics will be presented through lectures, guest speakers and virtual tours of various health facilities. We are also excited to announce, new to summer 2024, in-person tours of the Faculty of Medicine! Students will tour the anatomy suites, 3D printing lab and much more. Tours will be held Thursday, Aug 29, 2024. Tours are optional and space is limited. Tour times will be assigned and run approximately 90 minutes. For more information: Office of Professional & Educational Development (OPED) – Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s (mun.ca) Online Office of Professional and Educational Development Add to Calendar