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Panel Discussion on Anti-Asian Racism in N.L.

Tuesday, June 29, 4-5:30 p.m.


Four speakers from different sectors will provide a local perspective on this important issue.

  • Dr. Xuemei Li,  Faculty of Education, Memorial University, President of TESL NL, on racism and education
  • Ting Ting Chen, PhD Candidate, Memorial University, on her experience as an international student
  • Chunyan Zhu, Academic Advisor, Registrar’s Office Memorial University, on her experience as a mother and MUN employee
  • Amy Tam, Teacher, Secretary of Chinese Association of NL, on a family’s experiences

Please email teslnl@hotmail.com to receive the online meeting link.

Presented by Teachers of English as a Second Language N.L.

Event Listing 2021-06-29 16:00:00 2021-06-29 17:30:00 America/St_Johns Panel Discussion on Anti-Asian Racism in N.L. Four speakers from different sectors will provide a local perspective on this important issue. Dr. Xuemei Li,  Faculty of Education, Memorial University, President of TESL NL, on racism and education Ting Ting Chen, PhD Candidate, Memorial University, on her experience as an international student Chunyan Zhu, Academic Advisor, Registrar’s Office Memorial University, on her experience as a mother and MUN employee Amy Tam, Teacher, Secretary of Chinese Association of NL, on a family’s experiences Please email teslnl@hotmail.com to receive the online meeting link. Online Teachers of English as a Second Language N.L.